EditVoicepack XL
If you have problems with EditVoicepack XL, please look at the page:
Problems installing, uninstalling or running EditVoicepack.
If you still need assistance:
- Use the Questions page if it doesn’t already contain a solution to your problem you can create a new question. Please use English if at all possible.
- You can choose if your question is visible to all website visitors or support only.
- Currently only login with Google, YouTube, Steam, or Windows live is available. Please use email if you do not wish to use an account from one of these services.
- Contact support through email. Please make sure you use a descriptive subject line and write more than one or two lines in the body to minimize the risk of your email being classified as spam.
Technical questions can be emailed to support@editvoicepack.com. If you have non technical questions – for example questions concerning the license details – please use info@editvoicepack.com. If you do not hear from support within a few days, please try emailing again using a different email subject.
Older versions of EditVoicepack
You can use the Questions page to ask questions. Be aware that the older versions of EditVoicepack are no longer supported – questions will be answered if possible, but please do not expect extensive research time being spend on providing a solution to problems you might encounter.
Flight Simulator Add On developers
If you are a developer of flight simulator add ons, please see the following page for details on how you can use EditVoicepack to enhance your own products: 3rd party developers