About EditVoicepack

ATCEditVoicepack allows you to enhance the ATC speech engine included in Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D® simulation software.

With EditVoicepack your flight simulator ATC will be able to:

1. Use standard ICAO phrases.
The ATC phrases included with your flight simulator is primarily based on FAA terminology used in the United States which differs quite noticeable from the ICAO standards used in most countries around the world.


With the – optional – ICAO phraseology enabled you will hear changes like:

United 323, Line up and wait runway 17L instead of: United 653, Position and hold runway 18L

… ready for departure … instead of: …ready for takeoff…

Contact ground on 109 [decimal] 2 instead of: Contact ground on 109 [point] 2

These examples and more are included with EditVoicepack and all you have to do to get them is select ICAO phraseology when running EditVoicepack.

You can also select FAA phraseology and still get an improvement or two over the default ATC included with your flight simulator. It is possible to pick and choose which phraseology changes to include or even create your own.

2. Speak faster
EditVoicepack lets you adjust how fast the flight simulator ATC speaks providing a more realistic experience around congested international airports like John F. Kennedy or Heathrow. Speaking faster also allows ATC to direct traffic more efficiently and you will find it easier to communicate with ATC.

3. Use more voice variations
Your flight simulator only comes with 10 voices, making it very likely you will hear multiple pilots or controllers with the same voice. EditVoicepack can process the voices and create slight variations decreasing the risk of the exact same voice being used by multiple pilots or controllers at the same time.

4. Know more airline callsigns
There are thousands of airlines and other flight operators in the world having a callsign (or “telephony designator” to be pedantic) assigned. Your flight simulator ATC only includes a few hundreds. EditVoicepack adds more than four thousand additional callsigns and also allows you to create your own.


With the additional callsigns you will for example hear ATC say:

Ryanair 712, Climb and maintain 7000 feet instead of: 712, Climb and maintain 7000 feet

Cleared for takeoff, Transavia 329 instead of: Cleared for takeoff, 329

Air Seattle 27 has the runway in sight instead of: 27 has the runway in sight

5. Know more aircraft types
The flight simulator ATC can only say the name of a few aircraft types. EditVoicepack adds additional aircraft manufactures and types.


You will for example hear ATC say:

KLM 54 continue approach, follow the Boeing 787 on final instead of: KLM 54 continue approach, follow the Boeing on final.

4BD, have the Cirrus SR-22 in sight instead of: 4BD, have the in sight.

6. Know more airport names
Your flight simulator contains more than ten thousand airports and airfields. ATC can only say the name of a small fraction of them. EditVoicepack adds some of the smaller airports and allows you to add more on your own.


With EditVoicepack you will for example hear:

OY-BKW, radar contact 10 miles north of Canterbury instead of: OY-BKW, radar contact 10 miles north of Echo Golf 3 1

Share your ATC modifications

EditVoicepack allows you to share airline callsign, aircraft types, or airport names you have created with other users. And of course, it allows you to use the ATC modifications other users have shared with the community. EditVoicepack will automatically download shared modifications when you start it – so run EditVoicepack now and then, and your flight simulator ATC will improve automatically – thanks to other users.