I have downloaded installer from try-buy page but when i push install it is asking for editvoicepackxl.msi or something.
another question – if the edvp will be in try mode you say it will insert atc messages. those are only text insertions or it will be pronounced as well that this is a trybuy?
When the EditVoicepack installer runs, it will extract an MSI file embedded in the EXE file.
It seems to go wrong on your computer – unfortunately without any detailed error message it is hard for me to say why.
Does it allow you to open a log file with more details?
Do you run any anti-virus software (I would suspect anti-virus software tells you if it blocks access to the file – but I do not know for sure)?
Do you run MSI Afterburner?
The message will be inserted as text and audio (a computer generated voice – somewhat annoying, but should still allow you to find out of EditVoicepack is worth the price for you or not – and believe me, you are better of with that computer voice than my saying it :D).
Hi Vladik.
Sorry it is not more clear – I just realize that after many years there is indeed no way you can see that I am the author of EditVoicepack.
If you are still interested in getting EditVoicepack running, then please have a look at the questions I asked, I can try to help you getting EditVoicepack running.
as I see the manufacturer did not even care to answer.