3rd Party Licenses

EditVoicepack includes the following third party component:

SoundTouch Audio Processing Library
Copyright © Olli Parviainen 2001-2018

Homepage: https://www.surina.net/soundtouch/
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v2.1
Source code: https://gitlab.com/soundtouch/soundtouch
Notes: As per the LGPL license you have the right to replace the SoundTouch libraries supplied with EditVoicepack with a newer version – or an alternative implementation. To do so:

  • Ensure the replacement DLLs has the same entry points (defined functions) as the version of SoundTouch supplied with EditVoicepack. This version can be found by right clicking the SoundTouch DLLs in the EditVoicepack installation directory and selecting “Properties”.
  • Ensure the replacement DLLs has identical or higher version numbers than the SoundTouch DLLs shipping with EditVoicepack.
  • Place the replacement DLLs in
    replacing any DLL that might already be present in this folder.
  • Replacing the 64 bit DLL (SoundTouch_x64.dll) is typically sufficient, but it is recommended to replace the 32bit DLL (SoundTouch.dll) as well.