In case EditVoicepack is unable to start, or the ATC speech is no longer working in your flight simulator you can try to restore the original files containing the ATC speech definitions. Once you have done this you have efficiently removed any impact EditVoicepack has on your flight simulator.
Users of EditVoicepack XL:
- Locate the folder “~/Sound/ATC” (where ~ represents the folder you installed your flight simulator).
- Verify you have a file with a “.evpOrg” extension.
- If you do not have this file, please stop this procedure and contact support on
- Delete all files with a “.gvp” extension. Do not delete files in the ASOS folder, only files directly in the “~/Sound/ATC” folder.
- Change the extension from “.evpOrg” to “.gvp” for the file located in step 2).
- Start Flight Simulator X and verify the ATC speech is working.
- If it is not working the problem is most likely not linked to EditVoicepack, but could for example be a driver problem.
- If it is working please run EditVoicepack again. If the problem returns please contact support on
Users of EditVoicepack X for Microsoft Flight Simulator X:
- Locate the folder “~/Sound/ATC” (where ~ represents the folder you installed Flight Simulator in).
- Delete all the files in the folder, but leave the folder ASOS.
- Insert Flight Simulator DVD 1.
- Open the file on the DVD
- Copy the largest file in the cab file to “~/Sound/ATC”
- Rename the file to “USEnglishBig.gvp”.
- Start Flight Simulator X and verify the ATC speech is working.
- If it is not working the problem is most likely not linked to EditVoicepack, but could for example be a driver problem.
- Run EditVoicepack again.
Users of EditVoicepack 3.1 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004:
- Locate the folder “~/Sound/ATC” (where ~ represents the folder you installed Flight Simulator in).
- Delete the file “Evp_Accelerated.gvp” if it is present.
- Delete any file with the extension “.evpOrg” if it is present.
- Insert Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight CD number 2.
- Open the cab file:
- for the full 10 voices.
- for the smaller 3 voices.
- Copy the file inside the cab file to the folder you opened in step 1).