Within the program Editvoicepack I cannot play any voices any more. The markers where the voice segments are, are blocked when I tip on “play”. Neither I can choose any voice segments to listen.
Anything to do/interfer with Soundtouch?
Thanks to solve my problem/question
I do unfortunately not know what Soundtouch is, so I can’t say if it is related.
EditVoicepack simply pass the audio to the Windows sound drivers, so it’s difficult for me to say what is wrong.
When you say the sound is “blocked”, what exactly do you mean? And just to make sure – you can only add sound segments if you are in the “My Modifications” branch – the modifications in Community Modifications can’t be modified.
First step is to make sure you are not running MSI Afterburner. It comes with an optional (but default selected) component called RTSS (RivaTuner). This hooks into the video driver in an unsafe manner, and can cause all kind of problems – among other things an unresponsive UI.
Second step is to check you have the latest drivers installed for your audio – and I would include graphics as well if the UI is not responsive.

Hello Lars
The problem is solved. I had from previous install several double Editvoicepack folders. I deleted all the Editvoicepack folders and files and installed proper Editvoicepack 6.1.5. Since then it works normal.
Thanks for your help.

Great. I don’t know why that would have caused an issue, but then – I never tried to check it wouldn’t. 🙂
Helleo Lars
Thanks for your answers.
I dont have MSI Afterburner and Soundcard is ok as well the NVIDIA drivers update.
About soundtouch: check on your own website: http://editvoicepack.com/try-and-buy/3rd-party-licenses/
The problem still persists. Thank you for further help